
Current and Historic Name: 蒙哥马利大厅
地址:北纬1030号. 级联大道
Year Completed: 1891
Architectural Style: Tudor Revival
Architect: Walter F. 道格拉斯, Colorado Springs
Designation: National Register

科罗拉多大学 is co-educational. 它与时代的进步保持同步,并为女性提供与男性相同的教育优势. There are able women on her faculty, 她的大厅和背诵室里挤满了寻求发展智力的年轻女性, 道德, and spiritual forces into that crowning gem of civilization, 女人味十足的女人. -Colorado Collegian, November 1890

科罗拉多大学's first permanent academic building, 卡特勒大厅, 1880年开业, 但这所羽翼未丰的学校好几年都无法为学生提供食宿. 来自科罗拉多斯普林斯以外地区的学者们在当地的寄宿公寓或私人住宅租房吃饭. Construction of on-campus housing was an early priority, and the college completed its first residence for men, 哈格曼大厅, in 1889. Mary 斯洛克姆, wife of President William F. 斯洛克姆 (1888-1917), 他认为,如果学院想要成为不仅仅是一所地方学校,就需要为女性建造一座类似的建筑. She led a successful movement to add women's residential facilities, beginning with the construction of 蒙哥马利大厅, now the second-oldest building on campus.

To support campus development, 给“物理, 知识, and spiritual aid" to female students pursuing higher education, and generate goodwill between the town and college, 1889年4月20日,100多名当地妇女聚集在卡特勒大厅,成立了妇女教育协会。. 该小组完成了众多校园改善项目中的第一个,即女性住宅. The WES, an autonomous community organization led by 夫人. 斯洛克姆, 融资15美元,000 building through membership fees and fundraising efforts, including bazaars, 讲座, 还有其他事件. Of particular note was a fair that raised $2,700 by selling Aztec pottery and other artwork, 照片, 书, autographs of the famous, 食物, 花, 和床单. In addition, WES founder Anna O. 哈格曼, whose husband James headed the Colorado Midland Railway, 贡献了5美元,000 toward the construction fund.


Each girl has her own room, which is well but plainly furnished. She must make it pretty and cheerful by her own devices, and this she does as every girl knows how to do... The hall girls have the advantage of being in close touch with the real college life; while the town girls count themselves fortunate in being free from wearisome rules.

不过,我还是要稍微提一下我们这个时代一个很有争议的问题——陪护问题. 例如,住在我们宿舍里的年轻女士们必须在没有陪同的情况下集体参加晚上的娱乐活动, but the young men may take them home afterwards.

这所大学与大多数遥远的西部大学不同的地方在于它美丽的地理位置, and many students come from the East because of the climate of Colorado.

The WES hired Scottish immigrant Walter F. 道格拉斯, who operated one of the principal architectural firms in Colorado Springs, 为了设计新的“小屋”,并强调它想要一个有家一样氛围的宿舍. 大学校园的小屋制度起源于马萨诸塞州的史密斯学院, 哪个国家开发了类似家庭住宅的小型学生宿舍,而不是大型机构结构. The WES worked with 道格拉斯 to plan all aspects of the new building, hoping to add other similar women's cottages to the campus in the future.

宿舍, designed as the WES desired to resemble a stately residence, featured walls constructed of Castle Rock rhyolite, 欢迎门廊, 大窗户, and multiple dormers. The home atmosphere continued on the interior with a large foyer, spacious drawing room with opentile fireplace, substantial dining room, kitchen and pantries, housekeeper's quarters, 在管家的房间旁边还有一间阳光充足的房间,供生病的人使用. 上面两层有双人房和单人房、浴室和壁橱. The WES secured furnishings for the hall, 几个人为个人房间提供家具,以纪念亲人. WES将宿舍命名为“Montgomery”,以纪念Mary 斯洛克姆的妹妹, Elizabeth Robinson Montgomery, 她来到科罗拉多希望恢复她的健康,并在她因肺病过早去世之前成为建立这个大厅的支持者. 夫人. 斯洛克姆 outfitted the infirmary room in honor of her sister.

The college dedicated 蒙哥马利大厅 with a housewarming on 13 June 1891.WES在没有债务的情况下将这栋建筑及其家具赠送给了学校. 凭借其在见证蒙哥马利完工过程中所获得的知识和经验, 1897年,WES同意协助规划和设计第二个女子会堂, Ticknor, and to raise funds for its furnishings. Through the success of what Mary 斯洛克姆 called "a quiet work,妇女教育协会极大地促进了学院的成功和稳定, and its continued support has resulted in many physical improvements, supplemental programs, and more than $100,000 in aid and scholarships to students.

1891年秋,学院目录将蒙哥马利学院描述为“去年建成的一座漂亮的石头建筑,将为来自国外的年轻女士提供优越的住宿条件。."Twenty-six women initially resided in the residence "warmed by steam, lighted by electricity, with every desirable convenience."From the time it opened, Montgomery served as the center for women of the college to meet, participate in social events, 研究, 和吃饭.On Sunday afternoons, 大厅里举行了关于“生活和行为的实际考虑”的讲座.房间费用, 董事会, 第一年每个学生的水电费为每周6美元.In 1897, the college hired Ruth Loomis, a graduate of Vassar, 担任妇女住房主任和第一任妇女院长,并为女学生提供一个有尊严和有教养的榜样. In 1899, 蒙哥马利也成为卡特勒学院女学生的住所, a college preparatory program that operated on campus until 1914.

20世纪20年代中期,为了削减开支,学院关闭了蒙哥马利分校,改为女生宿舍. 在20世纪30年代进行重大改造之前,该建筑间歇性地容纳了班级.Colorado Springs architect Edward L. Bunts为1937年的一个项目设计了平面图,扩建了上层,为21名女性提供住宿, created a large new front porch, added Tudor Revival style influences, and modernized the basic systems.该大厅再次成为校园住宿项目的重要组成部分.1938年,由于爱丽丝·比米斯·泰勒的慷慨,蒙哥马利获得了一个新的后阳台. 1963年,蒙哥马利成为法语学生的语言学院,被称为“Maison Francaise”. Residents of Montgomery studied the customs and culture of France, and French was spoken almost exclusively in the house. In 1990, 该宿舍因其历史和建筑意义而被列入国家史迹名录. Montgomery now provides accommodations for 25 upper-class women.


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