One Block Study Away, A CC Original

The Block Plan can make study away a reality for any student.

You have questions.  Sure. That's natural.  Blocks Away are a concept built out of Colorado College's unique block plan.  We hope we have the answers you are looking for.  Review the topics below and find out all you could ever want to know about our faculty-led, short-duration, intensive, immersive, blocks away and abroad.  


A block away is exactly what it sounds like, a Colorado College course, taught by Colorado College faculty and sitting squarely in the curriculum of the college, but offered somewhere other than on our Colorado Springs campus.  While many on-campus courses may include local or regional field experiences, CC Block Away是一门课程,其中很大一部分课程在美国或世界各地的另一个地方教授.  这些旅行项目可以包括10天或更长时间的标准时段,或者它可能意味着, and often does, that the entire block is taught at a different location.  Whether it is in other domestic destinations such as New York, Chicago, New Orleans, LA or Hawaii, or an international destination such as recent blocks in Paris, Athens, Florence, Patagonia, Costa Rica, Tanzania, India, or India. 

Whereas some universities offer 1-course short-programs only in January or May, at Colorado College, 从9月到夏季的每个街区都是一个机会,让学生可以在校外选修一门课程,将体验式学习与从自然科学到人文科学的研究领域相结合, arts, and everything in between.  In a typical year, 赌博正规的十大网站在其8个小学学年中提供12-18个学习单元, so any time of year could be the time to explore the world through a CC Block Away.  

All CC Blocks Away are Colorado College credit, no transfer required, and all are taught by CC faculty and filled with your fellow CC students, creating a learning community that shares the experience with you.  It is a unique study away opportunity, perfect for both the new traveler and the experienced globetrotter.

Academic Departments report their schedules for the following year in early January.  在这个时候,全球教育会被告知下一年所有拟议的校外街区.  After a brief review period, Global Education puts together the full roster of Off-Campus Blocks for the following year.  Our goal is to have the full roster ready for publication by February 1st each year, in time for our Study Away Fair in early February, the primary application window in February and March, and well before official class registration periods for the Fall in April.   When the roster is announced, a new page listing all the off-campus block opportunities, will be added to the website, with a link in the drop down menu above and via buttons on all the primary Block Away webpages.  Announcements are also made through the "Today @ CC" website and email digests to all students, faculty, and staff.

Colorado College offers a wide and varying selection of blocks taught off-campus every year. 下一年的分班将在1月份公布,所有分班的申请“窗口”将在2月初的“学习博览会”上开放.  The primary application window runs through February and March.  所有在这个窗口期间申请下一学年的学生(从8月的第1街区一直到5月的第8街区)都会被自动审查,以获得潜在的资助奖励,以支付旅行费用.

The Application Process involves the following steps:

1. Research:  参加Block Away Fair,或访问Global Education网站了解每个Block产品.  Speak with the Faculty leader for each block, and speak with your advisor about how the block course fits with your academic goals. 



2. Apply on Summit: All Blocks Off-Campus begin with an application form on the Summit online platform, using the Global Education portal.  Once submitted, applications are reviewed by the faculty leader for each block.  领导可能还需要额外的申请步骤,如关于课程和学生兴趣的问卷调查或面试.  Admission requirements for each block may be handled differently, 因此,有兴趣的学生应该联系提供该课程的教授或部门,了解任何申请/面试要求. The application for aid awards is built into the program/course application.  As there is a limited aid allowance each year, 学生应在申请窗口期间申请,以最大限度地发挥他们获得助学金的潜力.  Late applicants often can be shut out of aid consideration. 

3. Complete Online Forms:  Once accepted into the program, a new round of required documents become available on the Summit online platform.  学生被录取的通知,然后应返回峰会完成这些必要的表格和豁免.  Once those are completed a button will appear, asking students to confirm their acceptance of the invitation to join the program roster.  

4. Class Enrollment: Once all required forms are uploaded on Summit, 在秋季或春季的标准预注册和注册期间,学生将收到注册课程所需的部门同意(COD)代码.  Since only students who have been accepted into the travel program can enroll in the course, there is no need to use registration points or to be concerned about the course closing. 

学年的主要申请窗口通常从2月初开始,一直持续到3月底.  在每年秋季学年的第一个街区,专门为第7或第8街区提供第二个申请窗口, 但我们建议在春季申请,因为一些Block 7或8项目可能会在这段时间内填补空缺,并在第二个秋季窗口期间保持关闭.  If a program remains open after the primary application window, students may apply later, however, 助学金不太可能在申请窗口之外发放,因为所有助学金都可能分配给在2月至3月期间申请的学生.  

All Off-Campus Blocks charge a program fee above the semester's tuition and room & board fees.  This additional fee includes all on-site travel expenses (lodging, ground transportation, excursions, instruction, and international travel and health insurance when applicable).  Airfare is not included in the program fee, but is calculated as part of the overall cost for aid purposes, 确保助学金涵盖计划费用和预期计划费用的同等百分比. 

虽然在学年期间大多数街区都包括一些团体用餐作为计划的一部分, only a few include a meal allowance for students.  这是因为学院为那些制定了学期膳食计划的学生提供了一笔膳食计划费用的报销,这样学生就可以使用这些资金来支付离开校园时在我们的一个街区单独购买膳食的费用.  In the event that local costs are expected to exceed the meal plan reimbursement, the program may provide a supplemental meal allowance.
Yes. 在标准申请窗口期间申请校外街区的学生,如果在校园学习期间获得基于需求的资助,则会自动考虑获得资助. Aid awards are based on the total anticipated cost of the program, which includes the program fee as well as airfare costs.  Awards are given as a percentage of coverage of this cost, ranging between 20%-90% coverage.  No students receive a 100% award. 

Aid awards offset the additional program fee for the block away, and if the award is larger than the program's fee, 额外的资金将提供给学生,以抵消到项目目的地的机票费用. 

No, it does not. 在秋季或春季搬离1个街区的学生保留他们在赌博正规的十大网站校园内的住房分配,并且可以将他们的物品留在他们的房间分配中, with the exception being the final block of the year.  学生不会收到1街区留学项目的住房费用退款,因为他们保留了他们的房间分配.  Students with a meal plan will, however, receive a reimbursement for 1 block of meal points as described above. This money can be used to purchase meals while away from campus. 
Not really. 所有跨越多个模块的课程都被认为是学期或半学期课程.  These have different application and financial models.  You can explore these programs on our Semesters Away webpage


September 20:  Block 7 or Block 8 Application Deadline

在此日期之前申请第7或第8校区校外课程的所有学生都将接受助学金资格审查,助学金将在10月初发放.  Applications may be accepted outside of the window, but aid may not be available after the window closes in September.   在申请之前,请与您的首选课程的院系领导确认课程的容量. 


October 1:  Withdrawal Deadline for Block 5 or 6 Off-Campus Courses

学生可以在此日期之前退出任何第5或第6单元的校外课程,并且不收取课程费用. 后来的退学可能会导致课程费用的一部分作为不可退还的费用支付给学生. 


November 30 -- January 22: 2024 Summer Application Window

Applications are open on Summit through January 22.  所有在此窗口期间申请的学生都将接受助学金资格审查,助学金将在2月初发放.  Applications may be accepted outside of the window, but aid may not be available after the window closes in January. 


December 1: Withdrawal Deadline for Block 7 or 8 Off-Campus Courses

学生可以在此日期之前退出任何第7或第8单元的校外课程,并且不收取课程费用. 后来的退学可能会导致课程费用的一部分作为不可退还的费用支付给学生. 


February 1 -- March 13: 2024-2025 Block Away Application Window

Applications are open on Summit through March 13.  所有在此窗口期间申请的学生都将接受助学金资格审查,助学金将于3月底发放.  Applications may be accepted outside of the window, but aid may not be available after the window closes in March. 



Thursday, November 30 from 12:00pm-2:00pm
Worner Center Lobby



Thursday, February 1 from 12:00pm-2:00pm
Worner Center Lobby
The biggest Study Away Fair of the year, with faculty representing all of the 2024-2025 Blocks Away, faculty-led semester and half-semester programs, and representatives of 120+ semester away options.  There is no better event all year to explore options for study away in the next year.  

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